Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Food Drive on occasion of Guru Pooja Diwas

On the auspicious occasion of Guru Pooja Diwas, the Seattle Nirankari Mission members donated food for the needy. The Mission is headquartered in India and its followers are spread worldwide.

The mission members practice what their Guru Baba Hardev Singh Maharaj preaches- Sharing what we have and showing the care for all living beings.

The members donated whole heartedly about 530 pounds of non perishable food items to Hopelink, a Redmond based Community Action Agency.

SNM Seattle is a spiritual and non-profitable organization. It is committed and will continue to donate to the needy.

SNM strongly believes that it can transform the thinking of the society by the deeds of the members of the mission.

The thinking that will bridge the gap between the rich and the poor.

For further information visit www.nirankari.org

--Mahesh Thakur